WinGo Plan winter marathon has somehow turned into a spring one

Over the past few months we have implemented a number of important updates. Now WinGo Plan will be even more convenient to work with. And we have a lot of new tasks ahead.

Partly because some of the revisions were more complicated than we expected, there was a lot to consider actually and sometimes even redo, but also because there is no limit to perfection and it can sometimes be hard to stop.

On iOS and Android devices you can now create projects without dates and deadlines reference. Stages in such projects can be rearranged by dragging or their order can be changed within one stage or moved to another.

Now you also can create projects without stages. Such a project is convenient, for example, to collect current tasks from different areas or for small purposes.

It is now convenient to drag and drop tasks from one phase to another, and you can also rearrange the order of tasks.

This is the most important thing. Besides that, there are a few more details that make the application more convenient, like duplicate projects, sounds for task and milestone completion, you can now choose the start screen, etc.

Most of these features appeared in WinGo Plan thanks to your feedback: stores feedback, your e-mails to support, etc. And we’re very glad that our internal plans for improvements usually coincide with your wishes. And now, apparently, you need additional information?

That is exactly what we are going to do over the next while.

In the nearest future we are going to deal with Ongoing section, sorting projects, also we will publish proper FAQ and a number of useful materials on planning.

As for functionality it’ll be projects sorting and refinement of the Ongoing. A little later we are to add a calendar and purposes functionality. It remains the main intrigue for now.

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