WinGo Plan Planning and Project Management System for New Macs

You may recall that we promised you pleasant surprises before the new year. The first one is already done. From the beginning of this week, WinGo Plan will be available on the Mac App Store for the new Mac computers.

If you are keeping up with the new products from Apple, you no doubt already know that in November, the company released desktops and MacBook using new processors. These new processors differ greatly from the previous ones and numerous applications might run improperly or slower than usual. So, it was necessary to adapt them.

That is why, in August, Apple launched a special Universal App Quick Start Program for developers in which the most interesting applications were selected for launch on these new Macs. Apple was going to provide selected developers with special devices and access to development resources.

We applied for the program, described our plans for development of our planner and brief road map, and we were very happy that WinGo Plan was among the selected applications.

And so, from previous Tuesday, the WinGo Plan planning and project management system will be available on Silicon Macs.

So, if you have bought a new Silicon Mac computer, don't forget to download WinGo Plan from the Mac App Store. And be sure to leave a review! ;)

Stay with us, by the new year, there will be more pleasant surprises.

PS. A subscription on an iPad and iPhone will also work on Silicon Mac.

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