Synching has been Enabled

Recently we barely tell about WinGo Plan development, meanwhile the work on our planning and project management system is very active. A few days ago, a new version for Android was released. In addition to small improvements, we have added a very important function – synching.

Now, if you have a smartphone and a tablet or two phones, you can enable syncing and work wherever you want. And it doesn't matter if it's iOS or Android, because syncing for iPhone and iPad was also added this summer.

If you are planning on changing to a new phone, don't forget to enable syncing before changing, so you can transfer your data to your new device.

Additionally, WinGo Plan can still work in offline mode. But it's better to create accounts and connect to the server, because we are launching a web version for computers in the near future. Moreover, we tried to design syncing so that interruptions to the Internet do not affect your work. If you lose your connection, you can continue working offline and when you reconnect to the Internet, your projects, stages, tasks, and progress will be synchronized with the server.

PS: if you are tired of waiting for news from us or have suggestions for improvements, be sure to write us a message on social networks or technical support. We are happy to respond and communicate with our users.

And we are very grateful for your reviews in the App Store and Google Play. They motivate us and allow more users to learn about WinGo Plan, which means that we have more resources to develop our project planning and management system.

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