Thanks for your feedback

We carefully read all your messages and consider your suggestions when we plan functionality for next updates. They motivate us and give an incentive for future WinGo Plan development. But sometimes we don't answer immediately.

If you run into a problem or a bug, then, as a rule, you will receive a reply within two business days. This time we need to investigate the problem and outline a solution.

But the most of the messages contain suggestions on how to make WinGo Plan better, and description of your user experience. Such emails are forwarded to our product owner, responsible for WinGo Plan development strategy, and CTO. Often one of them answers personally, but due to their busy schedule, it may happen with some delay.

Besides we do like to answer with standard “Thank you, your opinion is very valuable”. Usually you can learn about your proposal fits into the product development plans, or we can ask you additional questions.

Therefore, be sure to write us if you have any questions, comments or suggestions - be sure to ask!

And as usual, we appreciate if you rate and/or leave a review in Play Market or App Store.

1 Комментарий

  • Igraundig

    Thanks, I've been looking for this for a long time

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